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Computing Account Info

Notice: Previously default passwords were generated for student accounts.  Student accounts are now synced with the password system.  Students should use their password for MAE computing resources.

  • Accounts are automatically created each semester based on enrollment in the MAE major program and enrollment in ME, NE or AAE classes which require the use of computing resources.
  • Accounts for students enrolled in the MAE major program are active for one full semester will be retained between terms. 
  • Students not in the MAE major, only have an account valid for the semester that they are enrolled in ME, NE or AAE classes which require the use of MAE computing resources. The account may be cleared at the end of each semester.  Non-major students should back up any files they want to keep at the end of the semester.
  • If you are experiencing issues with your account, see the Lab Monitors across from E205 for help. If no one is on duty go to